About us

Plàncton is not just a company, but a dynamic life project and our concerns about the protection, conservation and management of sea and coastal environments form the foundations of the projects, educational services, and technical studies we offer.


Our team members offer a balanced and complementary range of skills, knowledge and abilities. We all have university and post-graduate studies, and have continued our professional training with courses in the fields of scientific and environmental communication, diving, professional sailing, social networks, out-of-school education and activity camps, fund-raising, and the management of projects and organizations.

Many years of participation with associations and voluntary groups has also given us experience in preparing projects related to environmental issues, finding funding for them, and carrying them out. For example, we are members of the Catalan Scientific Communication Association and the European Marine Science Educators Association as well as other similar bodies.

We work anywhere in Catalonia but our main focus is on the Tarragona coastline and more specifically the Terres de l’Ebre region. Home is where the heart is, and from our company’s base here we aim to explain the beauty and importance of every corner of this special yet relatively-unknown stretch of the Mediterranean coastline – encouraging everyone from school children and town mayors to tuna fish-farmers and tourists to find out more about marine ecosystems and how to protect them.

The marine environment is extremely complex and for non-experts to gain a better understanding and appreciation of it we believe that the work and knowledge of research centres, marine institutes, and universities must be brought closer to the general public and different groups of society. Our aim at Plàncton is to act as a bridge connecting all sectors of society to this knowledge, using technology and our skills.

The Team:

Eli Bonfill


Degree in Marine Science, Master’s degree in Marine Science, and currently studying a Master’s degree in Science Communication.

Eli is an oceanographer and communicator whose adventurous spirit means she could happily spend all day with her snorkel tube and goggles discovering the coves and bays of the Mediterranean coast.

Aurora Requena


Degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master’s degree in Marine Science.

Although she comes from inland, far away from the coast, Aurora has always been passionate about the sea and concerned for the conservation of the marine environment.

Carla Elias


Degree in Environmental Biology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.  

Degree in Design, and a Master’s degree in Graphic Design and Media Branding from the IED Barcelona.

We collaborate with:

Toni Térmens

Estudi mà de LLàpis

Scientific Illustration

Temps de paraules


Translation Services



Translation Services

Hernán en H

Del Terreno


Sala de premsa:


Gaudir de l’estiu sota l’aigua i amb seguretat a l’Ametlla de Mar – Diari de Tarragona – Mostra la notícia

Aparicions al programa divulgatiu Oxigenats – Oxigenats – Mostra la notícia


Eli Bonfill despenja el telèfon vermell – El telèfon vermell del Pop Up de Catalunya RàdioMostra la notícia

Aurora Requena, oceanógrafa – #MujeresDivulgadoras: ciencia con voz de mujer (3ª edición)  – Mostra la notícia

“Dones en STEAM: d’on venim i on anem” – eXploraSTEAM 2019 – Mostra la notícia


La increible vida sexual en el fondo del mar – Eli Bonfill – conferència TEDxMostra la notícia

Opinió: D’esquenes a la mar – Eli Bonfill – Aiguaita.cat – Mostra la notícia

Elisabet Bonfill i Molina, oceanógrafa – #MujeresDivulgadoras: ciencia con voz de mujer (2ª edición) – Mostra la notícia


Aurora y Eli, oceanógrafas y divulgadoras – Oceánicas – Mostra la notícia

Plàncton divulgació i serveis marins, “Una iniciativa dedicada al estudio y el conocimiento del mar”  – Red Emprendeverde – Mostra la notícia

Eli Bonfill

Degree in Marine Science, Master’s degree in Marine Science, and currently studying a Master’s degree in Science Communication.

Eli is an oceanographer and communicator whose adventurous spirit means she could happily spend all day with her snorkel tube and goggles discovering the coves and bays of the Mediterranean coast.

A diving instructor and youngsters’ activity camp manager, Eli possesses a boat skipper’s licence and has taken courses in environmental education and the role of community manager. She also has experience and know-how in using free software to design blogs and websites and can speak Catalan, Spanish, English and French.

When first starting her career in science, Eli carried out several research stays at investigation centres such as Alicante University, IRTA in Sant Carles de la Ràpita, and the Marine Science Institute-CSIC in Barcelona.

She has also worked for over 10 years as an educator and instructor at youngsters’ activity camps. Recently graduated, she took on the post of coordinator for the Casa de l’Aigua, the Tortosa office of the Foundation for a New Water Culture. Among other activities here, she managed and developed water efficiency projects for the local council. Following this job, she gradually moved into the field of science communication, coordinating the Marine Science Institute’s education programme El Planeta Azul which introduced marine science to the inmates at a young offenders’ prison. After that, Eli became one of the founding partners of Plàncton, combining science communication and education with diving and scientific projects.

Her passion for her studies and work led Eli to become a founding member and President of the Catalan Association of Oceanographers and a founding member and vice-president of the Spanish Federation of Oceanographers. She also collaborates doing voluntary work with other local environmental groups such as the environmental stewardship organization Graëllsia, where Eli coordinates their marine environment work.

Aurora Requena

Degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master’s degree in Marine Science.

Although she comes from inland, far away from the coast, Aurora has always been passionate about the sea and concerned for the conservation of the marine environment. She has participated in environmental and social associations and other projects, with a large part of her time and effort devoted to environmental work in the tertiary or service sector, including the conservation and management of natural areas, and educational projects (such as work camps in Natural Parks and recycling work-shops) as well as the day-to-day administration, fund-raising, and management of projects for different organizations.

Aurora has also trained as an environmental educator, with further studies in environmental journalism, management of natural areas and sea-coastal areas, service industry management, business administration, accounting and other subjects, as well as becoming a fully qualified diving instructor and obtaining her boat skipper’s license.
Aurora loves working in a group and achieving shared goals. She has a great capacity for communication, and a keen interest in science and administration.

As well as being a founding partner of the firm, she works as a supervisor, instructor, project manager, event organizer, and administrator at Plàncton – with a keen eye on the numbers, as we often hear her ask “OK, but how much does it cost?”

Aurora Requena

Llicenciada en Biologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Madrid i Màster en Ciències del Mar. 

De secà  però des de sempre amb una gran passió pel mar i sempre preocupada per la seva conservació. La seva principal afició ha estat sempre la participació en projectes associatius, tant de l’àmbit ambiental com social. Ha desenvolupat gran part de la seva feina dins el tercer sector ambiental participant en projectes per a la conservació i gestió d’àrees naturals, en projectes educatius (camps de treball a Parcs Nacionals, tallers sobre reciclatge …) així com en la gestió d’entitats realitzant tot tipus de tasques administratives, recerca de finançament, organització i gestió de projectes.

Té formació complementària com a monitora d’educació ambiental, periodisme ambiental, comunicació ambiental, gestió d’àrees naturals i zones marítimes costaneres, instructora de busseig, patrona portuària, cursos de gestió de les entitats del tercer sector, gestió empresarial, comptabilitat …

És una persona acostumada a treballar en grup i aconseguir fites comunes, amb capacitat de comunicació així com a vocació científica i administrativa. 

Dins de Plàncton, és monitora, instructora, executora de feines de consultoria, gestió de projectes,  organització d’esdeveniments, tasques administratives…però el més important que fa es preguntar: “ però això…, quant costa?”

Eli Bonfill

Llicenciada en Ciències del Mar, Màster en Ciències del Mar i cursant Màster en Divulgació Científica.

Oceanògrafa i divulgadora, sempre amb un esperit d’aventura es passaria el dia recorrent cales i racons de la costa mediterrània amb el seu tub i ulleres per descobrir què s’amaga al mar.

És instructora de submarinisme, patrona de barco, directora de lleure, ha fet cursos de comunicació ambiental i de community manager, així com té coneixements de creació de blogs i webs en programari lliure. Parla català, castellà, anglès i francès.

A l’inici de la seva carrera científica va cursar diverses estades d’investigació en centres de recerca com la Universitat d’Alacant, l’IRTA de Sant Carles de la Ràpita o l’Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC de Barcelona). 

En l’àmbit laboral va treballar durant més de 10 anys com a educadora en el món del lleure. Un dels seus grans reptes recent llicenciada fou ser coordinadora de la Casa de l’Aigua, seu a Tortosa de la Fundació Nova Cultura de l’Aigua, on va exercir tasques de gestora i executora d’un pla d’estalvi d’aigua municipal. Després d’això poc a poc va anar encaminant la seva carrera cap a la divulgació científica, i va coordinar el programa divulgatiu El Planeta Azul a l’Institut de Ciències del Mar CSIC, amb l’objectiu d’apropar les ciències del mar a una presó de joves. Des de llavors, a Plàncton combina la divulgació, el submarinisme i la realització de projectes científics.

I com és una defensora nata de la seva carrera-passió és fundadora i presidenta de l’Associació Catalana d’Oceanògrafes i Oceanògrafs, fundadora i vicepresidenta de la Federación Española de Oceanógrafos, així com col·labora de forma voluntària amb altres entitats ambientals del territori com Graëllsia, una entitat que treballa en temes de custòdia de territori, on exerceix el càrrec de coordinadora de custòdia marina.