International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020 in l’Ametlla de Mar

On 11 February 2020 we were extremely thrilled to work together with our local town hall to organize activities to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science for the first time ever in l’Ametlla de Mar. We coordinated and helped about twenty local shops to set up a window display, each one inspired by a different female scientist – the first time a town in Catalonia has done this. We also involved the Sant Jordi primary school, with the older children (about 10 or 11 years old) giving a guided route of the shops to children from younger courses. We also gave a talk about marine science and women in one of the most popular bars in town. We believe we did quite well for a small town with only 8,000 inhabitants!

See a news item about our activities on Canal 21: